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zmhk 2024-06-11 人已围观

简介足球赛事解说结束词怎么说英语_足球赛事解说结束词怎么说英语翻译       足球赛事解说结束词怎么说英语是一个非常重要的话题,可以从不同的角度进行思考和讨论。我愿意与您分享我的见解和经验。1.英语作文:揭足球的短2.










       Blowing the whistle on 揭足球的短

       1 A French friend of mine got a big laugh at a dinner party recently with his account of the game of baseball: "Seven guys stand around in a field doing nothing while two of their teammates throw the ball back and forth."


       2 I understand – it's hard to get excited about a foreign sport if you didn't grow up with it. Now I'm colliding with this same cultural barrier. The World Cup tournament begins on June 9 and I will have no clue what's going on out there on the "pitch". It seems a good time to blow the whistle on the so-called beautiful game.


       3 I have been watching for years and all I can see on the field is 22 grown men in shorts running around madly trying to kick the ball and tripping over each other. I guess the object is to get the ball into the net (also known as the goal), but if it ever gets close it looks like an accident.

       我看足球也有好几年了,我所看到的就是22个穿着短裤的成年人在场上疯狂地奔跑,力争踢到球,互相绊倒对方。我猜想他们的目的是要把球踢进网里(也叫球门),可是,如果不是碰巧的话, 球是很难靠近球门的。

       4 What we have here, it would seem, is a game of chance.


       5 For an hour and a half, the field is a scene of sheer chaos as the ball sails back and forth and the fans hum some mournful tune reminiscent of "The Slaves' Chorus" from Nabucco. Neither team seems to be in control.


       6 The scoring system says it all. Most finals are 0-0, 1-0 or 2-1, indicating that games tend to be stand-offs and it's a matter of luck to be ahead when time runs out. To put a good face on it, they call this tension or suspense.


       7 Newcomers to – mostly Americans – might wonder how many ways points can be scored. Besides kicking the ball it is permitted to whack it in mid-air with your head, which is not the best use of the cranium, as doctors will tell you.


       8 To be honest, though, many goals are scored by the ball accidentally bouncing off random players who get in the way. The crowd loves these, especially when a defender's leg sends the ball – by chance, of course – into his own net.


       9 Goals are the best illustration of the chance nature of this game. Ninety per cent of goal shots (known as "chances" or, in hopeless cases, "half chances", or in France, opportunités) are either blocked or are so far off course that they soar deep into the stands.


       10 If the ball happens to be aimed about right and slips through the forest of hairy legs, it's sheer luck. The shooter, or "striker", then takes full credit for this accident, peels off his shirt and sprints around in circles as four or five fellow players jump on his back to try to stop him and get his shirt back on.


       11 The chaos resumes, the humming in the stands starts up again, and the clock slowly ticks away toward 90 long minutes.


       12 Unlike baseball or basketball, precision ball-handling is not a top priority in except perhaps for Thierry Henry and a couple of Brazilians. Let's face it, God never meant for most of us to control a ball with the feet while running at top speed.


       13 Periodically a player gets an elbow in the face and goes down writhing. The clock stops while little men with black bags rush over and massage his phony-baloney injury, after which he jumps up good as new. The player who elbowed him gets something called a "yellow card", a mild reprimand.


       14 How can you have a sport in which strategies and regulations are so obscure? Besides the mystery of "injury time", there is something called the "offside rule", which deems, roughly, that the striker cannot receive the ball unless at least two opposing players are ahead of him. Why not? This leaves everyone perplexed.


       15 Not to worry – even professional commentators are at a loss for words. The BBC's voice of , John Motson, notes that there is no "universal interpretation" of the offside rule. Imagine real football with no agreement on what "touchdown" means.


       16 Why does your typical match seem so out of control? Simple. Only one referee is on the field, and he is responsible for keeping 22 hopped-up athletes in line. He allows no backtalk (for this, you get a "red card" and a shower) but most of the infractions – pushing, punching, tripping, kneeing, handballing – are committed when he isn't looking. But the fans see them, setting off more moans in the stands.


       17 The mystery remains why so many people flock to see this game. I must be missing something.




       什么offside freekick cornerkick


       一般解说都是念名字 某某在带球 射门 然后告诉你还有多长时间

       越位一般说 oh no it's offside said refree

       还有 the flag is up

       像出界,犯规 也会说一些 就是几句 反复听就明白了

       有时射门完会有 what going what being

       偶尔也有that's a shame but whatever

       进球就 what a fantasic goal , amazing goal



       比如:This is the team from somewhere.

       It's a good team.

       Good pass.

       They win the game.

       Let's wish them.

       What a wonderful goal.

       Be careful.




        eighth-finals 八分之一决赛

       quarterfinal 四分之一决赛

       one-side game 一边倒的比赛

       competition requlations 比赛条例

       disqualification 取消比赛资格

       sportsmanship 运动员的道德,风格

       opening ceremony 开幕式

       semi-final 半决赛

       first round 第一轮

       round-robin 循环赛

       doping test 药检

       draw,sostition 抽签

       elimination match ,kick-out 淘汰赛

       break through 突破

       overhead kick 倒勾球

       match ban 禁赛命令

       ranking 排名

       schedule 比赛日程

       half time 中场休息

       kick-out 踢出界

       sending-off 罚下场

       place kick 定位球

       pass 传球

       stopping 停球

       relegation 降级

       penalty 点球

       league 联赛 heading 顶球

       grouping 分组

       competitiom rules 比赛规则

       protest 对不公平裁判的抗议

       sellout 球票卖完

       first (second) half 上(下)半场

       rist 球场骚乱

       indicator,score board 记分牌

       yell 观众的喊声

       handclap 鼓掌

       cross (short,flank) pass 横(短,边界)传

       close watch 紧盯(人战术)

       offside 越位

       overhead throw 边顶掷球

       sliding tackle 铲球

       kick-off 开球

       free kick 任意球

       foul 犯规

       throw in 掷界外球

       wall 人墙

       draw 平局

       cheer team 拉拉队

       corner kick 角球

       red (yellow) card 红(黄)牌

       hat-trick 帽子戏法(一运动员一场进三球)

       driect (indirect) kick 直接(间接)球


       问题一:一般英语演讲开场白和结束语怎么说 开头:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Today I would like to share with you something about...

        结尾:...That's all for my presentation.Thank you for listening.

        问题二:英语演讲稿结尾怎么写 That's all.Thanks for your attention.我的演讲完毕,感谢您的倾听。

        问题三:英语演讲稿开头和结尾 开头:Good morning everybody!It's my honor to speak here,and I am very glad to share my topic with you. Then today I'd like to talk something about......(大家早上好!能在这里做此次演讲我十分荣幸,也很高兴能跟大家一起分享我的主题,今天我想演讲的是......)

        结尾:OK,t抚ank you for listening,that's all.(好了,谢谢各位的聆听,我的演讲结束了。)我参加过很多英语比赛,而这个是比较常用的,也能体现出你的修养,可以试试看哦~e on!

        问题四:英文演讲完了要怎么结尾 That's all my speech .thanks for your listening.Thank you!

        问题五:英语的演讲稿该怎样结尾才好呢? That's all of my speech,thanks for your listening and have a good time,thanks aga激n. 不知道你是问的演讲内容该怎么结束 还是整个演讲 我就暂时理解为你整个演讲怎么结束

        问题六:英语演讲开场白和结束语怎么讲? 很久很久以前...A Long Time Ago...

        故事就这样结束了...And that's the end of the story

        问题七:英语演讲的演讲稿的开头和结尾怎么写 常见(也很闷啦)的开头有:- 1. I’m going to talk to you today about 。。。。 2. How many of you know exactly 。。。(比较没那么死板咯) 我想,楼主真的愿意尝试的话,可以用类似的开头:- Who would give you everything without remembering? Who would give you helping hand even though you're pointed by many fingers? Who would ....(类似的句子)? The answer is----your mother. 暂时想到的就这些,希望能帮到楼主吧。。呵呵 All the best! :)

        问题八:在演讲英语时,开场白和结束语该怎么说呢? 例如开始的时候先说hello女士们先生们,然后可以说一个小笑话,接着引入你的演讲,最后说That's all thank you.











       The football match is over.


       英 [v?(r)] 美 [?o?v?(r)]








